
Little tidbits from our week – captured via iPhone camera.

This year for Christmas was the first year Inara was old enough to qualify for any of the board/family games sold in stores – needless to say, being a family that enjoys games, we were excited, and our collection grew exponentially. My Brother’s family (actually I should say my Sister-in-law since I know she picked it out) got us UNO MOO, and it’s quickly become the family favorite – almost as quickly as i came to realize, I REALLY don’t like most kids games. This one and Hi Ho Cherry-Oh are about the only two I can stand, let alone actually enjoy.

But seriously, if you’ve got little kids, get this game, it’s awesome!

On Sunday Inara learned how to use the camera on my phone, and spent about an hour entertaining herself with it – I have a lot of pictures that look like this.

Then Chris showed her how to switch the viewfinder so that the picture took what the screen was looking at – so then I got A LOT of pictures like this – seriously, like 50 partial face shots, some with only the tiniest edge of hair line, others with most of her face, this is one of the best!

The pool is OPEN! (and I ordered a swim suit finally this morning!)

I cooked beets fro the first time in my life on Monday – I learned fresh cut and sliced beets are REALLY pretty.

They also make a really pretty (if not yummy) salad.

Have a happy weekend!